Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why can't we all be equal?

Communism, sounds great in theory. Everyone is equal and everyone shares everything. It almost brings up ideas learned when young at pre-school. In a perfect world communism might be able to be a functional form of government. But when communism is examined closer its cracks start to show. If a sewer worker is paid the same a doctor does that take away from the prestige of the job? Some would say yes because the doctor is being paid less. Marx would counter with that people only think that because they have been programmed by capitalism and only value things with monetary value but never the less if a communist society was to function properly this issue would have to be addressed. Another flaw with communism is that if everyone is paid the same amount of money whats the motivation for working. Again Marx would counter that by saying that is a capitalist view because you are judging it based on money and that people would just do what they want to do. But that raises the question of who will do what has to be done. Who will clean the sewers, who will be the garbage men, who do the tasks that no one wants to do. What will be their incentive to do so. They cannot be paid more because then that defeats the purpose of communism. Another flaw in communism is that whoever is in power has control of everything because everything is owned by the state. This makes the person in charge highly likely of being corrupt because people who have power very often will want more of it and not want to give it up. Communism is a good idea on paper but when its actually used in real life things get complicated.

Link about Karl Marx: